Realities 133

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“Where are we going mum?” Lintle asked me as soon as I got to the car. Crap! I had forgotten that my mother had said she was with them. I found them talking to a young doctor who Nelisa said she used to know. I was not in the mood for her whorish ways so […]

Realities 131

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PLEASE NOTE, BECAUSE REALITIES IS FINISHING THIS WEEK, WE DECIDED TO GIVE IT THREE DAYS MONDAY WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY TO ALLOW THE STORY A PROPER ENDING. Y.E.S WILL THEREFORE ONLY HAVE TWO CHAPTERS THIS WEEK. THANK YOU ************************************************************************************** There is no right age for this but I am certain of it, I was too young […]

Realities 128

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My father asking me that had to be the hardest moment in all this. He was my last hope and people never underestimate the power of hope. It’s the one thing that gets most people up in the morning because we tell ourselves that tomorrow will be better, tomorrow has to be better. That’s what […]

Realities – 126

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Hope you all had a blessed and safe long weekend. Our thoughts and prayers are with those that lost loved ones especially the Wits students. Stay blessed and keep well… Mike, Thozama and Khanyi *****************************************************************************

Realities 123

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There are times when I feel that African Culture holds us as back in a lot of things as Africans. Some of the rules that we have in culture are obviously very outdated, sexist, oppressive and basically designed to serve or enrich men. No am not talking about the lobola debate because that one has […]

Realities 122

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Call me sexist but “papa wa ja” sounds so much better than “mama wa jewa”! I am not dumb, my mother was having an affair. Probably not with the pastor as it was too obvious as that was her excuse to where she was going. My father would never step in the doors of a […]